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Monitor 10,000 Transactions Monthly for FREE.

Lookup and verify Government data without coding

Directly identify your customers across multiple IDs in real time. You can easily take charge of your users’ identities.

Contact sales
Navigate identity verification processes with no-code
Handle customer data without the cost of hiring developers
Access to several databases across multiple countries in no-time

Powering digital trust for companies across Africa

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Identify customers across multiple ID databases in real time.


Select one or more means of user identification—BVN, NIN, NUBAN, KRA PIN, etc—across multiple countries


Import user data in bulk with a CSV file or input data with the provided template on the dashboard.


Access the identity information of your users at any time, filter and download user data in bulk when needed.

Individual/Bulk uploads

Obtain the information of one customer or multiple customers in one process.

Multiple ID selection

Explore a wide range of options to identify your customers as you deem fit.

Powerful automation for non-technical teams

Quickly deploy ID verification across your product while saving your engineering team time on integration, and your operations team can spend less time exploring several API providers. nd your operations team can spend less time exploring several API providers.

Identity Verification Widget

Solve all your onboarding needs with a simple widget that allows you to automate data lookup and verification with low code.

Easy Onboard

Create smooth onboarding for your users and a custom interface for your business with drag and drop identity verification tools.


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