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Monitor 10,000 Transactions Monthly for FREE.

Verify and onboard users fast with less engineering work

Our ID Verification Widget allows you to automatically analyse a wide range of identity documents, detect fraud and sign up real users fast.

Contact sales
Automate your onboarding and cut drop-off rates
Build custom onboarding flows with low-code
Access identity databases across multiple countries

Powering digital trust for companies across Africa

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how it works

How Dojah helps you reduce drop-off rates and onboard trusted users in a minute


Automatically lookup and extract all user data as soon as the applicant uploads a valid ID document.


Allow user to validate ownership of the provided ID document via biometrics, phone number or email.


Screen user biometric or contact information against the ID database across Africa’s major economies.


Displays a new entry on your Dojah dashboard to manually or automatically verify users.

See how it works in detail

A complete stack of identity verification tools

Biometric Verification

Ensure users are who they say they are by matching their facial biometrics with a valid ID

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Gov. ID Verification

Automate KYC check and verification across multiple government database.

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Document Verification

Spot forgery, extract and verify accurate data from all document types.

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Address Verification

Automatically capture and validate the physical location of your recipients in real-time.

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Authentication & Checks

Carry out AML, IP & Device, Phone Number, Email and Liveness checks for users.

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