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Monitor 10,000 Transactions Monthly for FREE.

Verify devices and their exact location when onboarding

Detect VPN/Proxy access, accurately locate your users around the world, and also geo-restrict based on geographical areas

Contact sales
Increase in transparency and verification speed.
Detect malicious attempts before it becomes fraud.
Help your users protect their account activities.

Powering digital trust for companies across Africa

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Identify location and device type anywhere in the world

Prevent fraud with comprehensive data to identify authorized users and non-authorized fraudsters. Detect the following data points:




Proxy number


Device type


Browser Version



Service Provider


Adopt next-level proof of verification

About 70% of fraudulent activities are perpetuated outside of the identity document. Take document verification to the next level; tackle identity theft and synthetic fraud with complete proof of identity.

Match document data with biometrics

With our Biometric Verification, you can match a face or fingerprint against the provided identity document.

Verify that users are remotely present

Explore Dojah Liveness Check to detect that a fingerprint or face is from a live person present at the point of capture.

Build with a pricing plan that fits your product stage and business model.

See pricing models

References and guides to get your developer running with our APIs.

View API documentation

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