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Get Dojah’s 2024 Identity Verification Trends Report

Insights from 220+ businesses | 14 industries | Millions of verification used to gather anonymous data | 900,000+ forged ID incidences studied |

Verification Demo 2024

Adoption of Digital ID in Africa Too Early?

African governments are actively working towards universal ID coverage by replacing traditional systems with digital ID initiatives. However, the implementation has taken different turns in different countries reflecting the uneven level of digital transformation across Africa. The success of these initiatives is hinged on interoperability issues, fortifying data security measures, and ensuring a balanced pace of adoption across nations with differing levels of digital readiness.

Nigeria, Ghana, SouthAfrica advance with transition to digital ID while Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania among others still explore their readiness.

Nearly 50% of Africa's population lacks legal identification

85% of African countries have national ID systems with electronic databases.

Increased Integration of Biometrics

There is a growing adoption of liveness biometrics as an advanced authentication method for enhanced security and user experience. However, the prevalent use of email and SMS for authentication highlights the mobile-first nature of digital users, businesses are recognizing the need for more advanced and secure methods.

89% of businesses surveyed use eMail and SMS OTP authentication for post-sign up authentication

10% of businesses use liveness authentication as a final method to check users after sign up

Identity Fraud Still Booming

The surge in identity fraud, marked by sophisticated phishing and convincing deepfakes, has led to an alarming increase in both frequency and substantial financial losses.

Higher occurrence of fraud in Q3 and Q4, with Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 10am -3pm accounting for the highest volume of verification requests.

Identity theft and phishing scams lead the way in identity fraud types on the continent, while deepfakes and AI-engineered fraud are on the rise.

The Nigerian voters' card was the most exploited ID type in fraudulent attempts, accounting for over 58% of forged identity cases in 2023.

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